
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Anasvara Dharma - No Leak Practice

Terjemahan Indonesia: Dharma Anasvara – Melatih Tiada Kebocoran


[anas'vara *= mfn. imperishable]

In Buddhism, mindfulness trainings, concentration, and insight always go together. It is impossible to speak of one without the other two.

This is called the Threefold Training –

  • sila, the practice of the mindfulness trainings;

  • samadhi, the practice of concentration; and

  • prajna, the practice of insight.

Mindfulness Trainings, concentration, and insight "inter-are."

Practicing the mindfulness trainings brings about concentration needed for insight. Mindfulness is the ground for concentration, concentration allows us to look deeply, and insight is the fruit of looking deeply.

When we are mindful, we can see that by refraining from doing "this," we prevent "that" from happening.

This kind of insight is not imposed on us by an outside authority.

It is the fruit of our own observation. Practicing the mindfulness trainings, therefore, helps us be more calm and concentrated and brings more insight and enlightenment, which makes our practice of the mindfulness trainings more solid.

The three are intertwined; each helps the other two, and all three bring us closer to final liberation - the end of "leaking."

They prevent us from falling back into illusion and suffering.

When we are able to step out of the stream of suffering, it is called anasvara, "to stop leaking."

As long as we continue to leak, we are like a vessel with a crack, and inevitably we will fall into suffering, sorrow, and delusion.


Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

1 comment:

  1. [...] by Lotus Nino on June 5, 2012 Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 9 Mei 2012 Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino Sumber: Anasvara Dharma – No Leak Practice [...]
