
Friday, April 6, 2012


I received invitation to various events through post; emails; facebook....

Still the same question: Have the host of the event YOGA with the Principal of the session?
I repeat: Guru said on several occasion that if one cannot yoga with the Principal of the session, he/she has no power to do empowerment transmission of that Principal or even blessing transmission.

Why are most so commercialised?

Drawing the crowd with a variety of Divinities/Deities that are perceived to be powerful; or for great wealth.

Spoke to a student yesterday, he is the sponsor of a certain Sakya chapter and he was one of them chosen to receive Hevajra empowerment transmission from a visiting Dharma King.

I told him that his refuge is with True Buddha School and his Root Guru is Living Buddha Lian Sheng.

All empowerment transmission from anyone other than one's Root Guru is not considered as True Transmission. He only received blessings if the person has High level of cultivation and can yoga with at least the one Divinity for that session.

Our Root Guru does empowerment transmission for a large variety of Principals to enable those with affinities to establish a link/bond. Once they have cultivated to yoga with Vajrasattva and Guru, they can then proceed with the Sadhana of the Principal they have affinity and bonded with, through Guru.

However, many masters are doing fire puja and etc. of powerful Divinities and wealthy Deities just to draw the crowd and feather their coffers. I humbly advise all cultivators to be discerning and not be tempted by Power and Wealth.

Please remember, everything exist for a period only in this dream, which is your stance in this lifetime.

Utilise your time wisely to succour self and others from the Samsaric cycle.

Do not walked into Mara's territory by giving into temptations of Power and Wealth.

Reflect upon your own life constantly.

By attending and receiving the Promised empowerment/blessing transmission, have your life improved in Quality?

Are you more happy than before?
Are you more popular with people around you?
Are you able to help others effectively?

Root Guru said to concentrate on ONE.

Have you Yoga with Root Guru and Vajrasattva?

Please Stick to Basics and build up your foundation first.


Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School


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