
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Guru's message for new students


This is dated 11 Nov 2011,  in reply to my communication.

1. Distant Refuge Empowerment for the 14 listed done with Refuge Certificates attached.

2. To guide all sentient beings properly and deeply into True Buddha Dharma Flavour, for early Break free of Suffering; Self directed Renunciation; Grand master blessed again.

3. True Buddha's ordinated personnel should always pay attention to the [ 7 Purifying Method] -- Repentance; As you wish/ Be Natural; Dedication; Steadfast Mindset; Plead for Buddha to stay on earth; give Dharma speeches; Cultivate; in order to truly be a model for sentient beings to learn from and guide all to ascend Secret Hall of Dharma.

Also encourage you to cultivate diligently!

4. Sincerely invoke Grand master and all Buddhas; Boddhisattvas; Dharmapalas; to bless you with with Buddha's Light for an early attainment.


New students are those that have yet to figure out what is TBS all about and how to go about Cultivating!

I sincerely wish all TBS students to listen and adhere to Guru's Guidance.

This is good as a guide to reflect upon frequently.

:) someone asked me why the name Lotus Chef?

True Buddha Dharma Flavour - Lotuschef as per Guru is Chef of Dharma, serving up Dharma Flavour!



Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School


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