
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Narrow Sighted

The Narrow Sighted

From previous article about sizes of temples and my experiences, most people equates the sizes of temples to their individual “effectiveness” or “power level” to grant their wishes or gratify their desires for material.

Seen Pure Karma’s premises on photos posted with related articles?
Look closely at the altar?
There is no clutter of statues and gives One a sense of tranquility and inner peace and joy.
This is the type of altar our guru said will induce/encourage One to cultivate longer or sit there longer.
There are those that hold power in religious institution that preach discrimination to their followers against what they termed as “superstitious”; clairvoyant; frivolous; evil….
The late founding abbot of this Mahayana temple that I volunteered at is said to be a good geomancer.
Many paid huge sums for his opinion in Geomancy.
Isn’t geomancy clairvoyant?
When Grand master performs these services, many Buddhist sectors pointedly slander him saying he is clairvoyant; evil….
From the Karmic prospective, the late abbot was wheel-chair bound for the last lap of his life, what had he done?
For those that sprout slander for personal elevation, they are not true hearted cultivators.
Therefore, my humble suggestion is to look closely at them and chant any mantra or Buddha’s title, request that you be shown the light to read and discern for yourself the Truth.
Do not be led blindly because a certain person runs/own a large temple.
Size of temple really does not matter.
What matters is what you can learn from there to enhance your life and those around you, agree?
Reflect upon your life before and after you follow the teachings of this temple or person please.
A true cultivator would not slander others and point fingers at others, alleging that they are evil.
Remember the Zen story about Seeing Buddha and Seeing Poo?
I wrote one about See Buddha See Ghost too.
Those that see only good are good and those that see evil are evil!
In Buddha’s eyes, all are equal.
So why constrict self to the narrow sight?
Start by having a good look at self first and then at those around you.
They breathe the same air, need the same nourishment to stay alive, etc…
How can they be any different from you?
Have fun discovering yourself and all sentient beings!

Lama Lotuschef
Pure Karma
True Buddha School

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