
Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Universe is Our Playground

19-2-2012 The Universe is Our Playground

Dear Fa Shi,

I am not sure if itis true or not, it seems like Fa Shi planned to give up writing on your blog.There must be some underline reasons instead of just because the Singapore disciples are asking too many questions.  Am I correct?
As far as I know, GMis very compassionate. He will not give up on disciples. From my prospective,it seems that Fa Shi is giving up on Singaporean disciples. That will be a bigloss.
Just let me know what doyou plan to do next, Fa Shi.

Dear H,
I will have more time towrite n also I found that GM’s knowledge is very wide n I need to spend moretime to learn them n share. 

Why did I start writing?
To share with those thatdoesn’t understand Chinese. 

Those that understandChinese are not Top on my list. Just need to arouse their interest in GM’steachings n up to them to read up or watch GM’s videos. 

GM sent 2 angels to translateinto bahasa Indo too. 
My task is easier n spreadingout to reach more people daily. 
Your help in building a prowebsite too. 
All these n more. 

GM’s message is clear; Ineed more time to write n also more time for the needies be they from lotuslight charity or other charitable channels. 

The group that’s with me, Ishared all the basics in cultivation n after session I brainstormed them toforce them to think deeply. 

Most of them are doing finein life, career, and business n healthier too. 
All they need is practicewhat GM n I shared. 

I spent one year plus invarious temples sharing cultivation techniques. Not many bother to trulycultivate. They have been poisoned n think that they will not be able toachieve any level.
They just need to pay forthose powerful ones to help them!

The group in pure karma hasdone well. Many of them are on auto pilot n can continue without any help fromme. 

We only can help n save thosewith affinity! 
Those without, we wait foraffinity to surface. 

I will have more time toshare in helping charities;
More time to learn From GM;
More time to write;
More time to meditate;
Why not?

Every cultivation sessiontakes at least 5 hours - my traveling time, waiting time; cultivation time;questions n answers time; n etc. 

Will concentrate on fire pujasin future whereby more can attend. 

Pure karma’s premises canaccommodate about 30 only. 
But in the loading bay, wecan have at least 300 people. 
Outdoor better than indoor interms of reaching out to more. 

People everywhere is askinglots of personal questions n not willing to cultivate n help themselves. 

TBS’ students already compromisedby previous masters n etc n their mentality mostly reliance on these masters netc to help them get rich quick; solve their personal problems; promote theirGreed in materials;......

I will find a better way toslowly help them with GM’s instruction. 

H, don’t waste timeguessing about my actions!
Hehe! Trust GM to guide meto better reach out n share with more people. 

I shared in the articleMerging/yoga the mirror method of visualization n GM explained this in detailyesterday after fire puja. 
He backs me up again,telling people that I am sharing genuine n Good stuff. 
Relaxn be happy. 

The Universe is ourplayground. We cultivate and eventually merge into the Universe. We alsocultivate to help others do so too.

Therefore, we share with alland not confine to only Singapore. My aim is also very clear; I would like toprioritize the ones that have language barriers in understanding GM’s teachingsin Chinese.

For those that understand Chineseand don’t put in adequate effort, you are wasting your time as a human form. GMsaid those that waste their life away when they have a Human form, will be Sentto Ant Country upon their demise.

GM also said yesterday thatthere are many methods that one can Yoga.

Be diligent and here’swishing all readers, Happy Cultivating!!!

True Buddha School
Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef

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