
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Karma - Possessed?

Terjemahan Indonesia :

This happened yesterday evening after the event and GM is going round giving blessing by touching heads of students who are kneeling down respectfully awaiting their turns.

I was waiting for some students and a lama remarked that it seems someone has fainted.

I went forward to have a look.

I saw a female student, A, seated on a chair with another supporting her and a VM is looking on. I took a glance at her and asked whether I can help or not as I have medical training.

I was told that the problem is spiritual disturbance. I also request the VM to bless her and me.

Hehe! The “busy-body” in me, took her pulse anyway!

I told A she has odema which points to possible renal dysfunction.

This is something I can’t explain but just know.

The VM walked away when someone released Fireworks signifying that GM is leaving for home.

I took out my Sarira pendant and told A to hold onto it and chant GM’s mantra.

After a little while she started to shake and gradually become more violent. I held on to her hands which are clasping the Sarira pendant, told her to say: Sorry, please forgive me. Sorry, sorry, sorry…..

The shaking stopped and she almost faint.

The Glance that I took initially?
There are dark greyish pads under both her eyes.
The look in her eyes – lost.
Her general aura was very dull.

She has a slight shine after recovering from the violent shaking.

My humble opinion is that the spirit has decided to accept her apologies after deliberating whether to leave or not. The violent shaking – the energy from GM and the Sarira are highly positive and sharing it with the extremely negative, gives them an insight of goodness if they accept the apologies offered.

Moreover, A went through the empowerment transfer banners and whoever with her also had a taste of the Great Compassion of Buddhas and Boddhisattvas.

Dear all, this is one benefit of empowerment by a Living Buddha. Your karmic negatives somehow softened to a stage that they are willing to at least listen to your apologies.

I advised A and her group of friends to chant more of GM’s mantra; High King Avalokitesvara’s Sutra; and 100-syllable mantra and dedicate merits to all sentient beings and may all be happy and at ease.

This student is indeed blessed as GM helps her by resolving the negatives between her and her karmic foes. I sincerely hope she can get better and shares GM’s wonderful teachings with more sentient beings.

I also wish to thank GM for letting me have a chance to learn how to deal with cases like these.

:) I am truly blessed too!

Happy cultivating and please listen to GM.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited 2 July 2016

1 comment:

  1. [...] Lotus Nino on March 14, 2012 Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 5 Febuari 2012 Sumber: Karma – Possessed? Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus [...]
