
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Karma – Accounts Record

Karma – Accounts Record

This is a very interesting topic to discuss.

Who keeps track of our Karmic Debits and Credits?


Z that previously was able to invoke Usnisa Vijaya’s presence to light up the main Edict/Order for the Blessing and Bardo Altars and also the little Edicts on individual lotuses; somehow lost this “power”.

After a chat with a fellow student who asked me how is Z, I pondered for some time and run through a sequence of events.

In December, Z can invoke Usnisa’s presence andl ighted up all the edicts; big and small.

However, at the event the following March, she can’t do so. Somehow lost the ability or connection. At the completion event 2 days hence, a student remarked that she didn’t see any Light Orbs.

Something popped up in my mind and I found the causative factor!

Many students were unable to get empowerment transfer from GM because Z gave them wrong information at a certain event. Telling them that GM will stop the empowerment because of time constraint and told the remaining students waiting for the empowerment to leave and go to the next agenda.

Hundreds of the waiting students went away and about 5 minutes later, there was an announcement that said GM will continue to do the empowerment on the ground level and please do not go away yet.

These came too late for many who already left for the next venue. These students were very unhappy with the one that caused them to miss the empowerment transfer as most of them waited for many hours in the hot weather and most of them were clustered together without much moving space at all.

Z’s aura has not improved when I sighted her recently.

I humbly believe that One must be aware where they have gone wrong to be able to make amends or say sorry. I sincerely doubt she knew that announcement she made cause her dearly.

Hahaha! Sometimes, something triggers a stored memory and the Answers surfaced.

Now the problem is how to tell Z! A veteran studentof about 20+years will not accept what I have to say. Moreover, I tried approaching her about other matters and was reprimanded each time I did so.

I have started to steer clear of her after noticing the edicts didn’t light up for 2 consecutive sessions.

I have requested that GM helps her.

Well, we do have accounts record somewhere and I sincerely hope that all of us keep our balance positive.

Readers’ comments and input welcome.


True Buddha School

Pure Karma


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