
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Astral Occurrences – Projections 7

Astral Occurrences – Projections 7

This happened in early October 2008, about 2 months after my refuge with True Buddha School.

I went to the monastery in the early morning for my voluntary services in ingredients preparation.

We finished around about 10:30am. Lunch is 11.30am.

So I went to the hall with the 3 Buddhas. From right – Medicine Buddha; Sakyamuni Buddha; and Amitabha Buddha.
I sat in front of Medicine Buddha, did the initial steps of the sadhana.

I chanted High King Avalokitesvara sutra 7 times and then Guru’s mantra.

After that, I started to chant Medicine Buddha’s mantra.

After 2 rounds of the 108-count and midway into the 3rd round of 108, the lotus throne of Medicine Buddha transformed into 3levels of bright pearly light and each level has golden lighted symbols on them. These came towards me suddenly and I was shocked and opened my eyes.

I learn that all one need to do is to stay focus on ONE Principal Divinity in cultivation at each session.

For that year, Medicine Buddha’s day is on the 28th October.
On the 28th October, I attended the fire puja in a local temple conducted by a certain Vajra master.

I saw a row of bright yellowish colored rings when in Samadhi.

The VM said during his speech after the puja that there were yellow colored rings and the session is very auspicious.

At least this time, I know I am sane and not hallucinating!

Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

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