
Sunday, January 8, 2012

8-1-2012 GM in conversation - Buddhahood

GM answers to questions after MahaCundi’s Fire Puja at Rainbow Villa, Seattle.
Mahaguru Menjawab Pertanyaan Seputar Sadhana
Usai Homa Mahacundi di Rainbow Villa


What the student meant was she would not think of returning to Sentient Realm to succor sentient beings, but she would like to become a Buddha, that is to say if do not succor Sentient Being, can she become a Buddha?

Tanya: Maksud dari saudari sedharma tadi, ia tidak ingin kembali lagi ke dunia saha untuk menyeberangkan para makhluk, namun ia juga ingin mencapai ke-Buddha-an. Maksudnya adalah apakah kita bisa mencapai ke-Buddha-an tanpa menyeberangan para makhluk?

剛剛弟子的想法也是對的,並沒有錯。娑婆世界太苦,我們成了佛何必再來?成了佛我就走了,管你所有的眾生去死去活去病去痛苦去窮去飢餓,去沒有飯吃,沒有 水喝,你們怎麼樣打來打去都不關我的事

但是你不要怕,因為你已經成佛了,你顯現出來娑婆世界度眾生的那個人,他一定可以了解 到,他已經得了佛的勝慧,再怎麼樣苦,再怎麼樣痛苦,也不過是不傷及本尊,不會傷到原來的佛身,你的佛身在那裡,永遠如如不動,無來無去,事實上應化在娑 婆世界上的你,也不過是一個水中月,也不過是一個鏡中花,這樣不知道你了解不了解。所有受的都是假的、虛幻的,所以還是要發行願菩提心。

The student is right, no mistake about it. Sentient realm is much Suffering, therefore attaining Buddhahood, why come again?
Upon becoming Buddha one immediately leave this realm, do not have to bother about sentient beings’ suffering of life; death; illnesses; poeverty; hunger; no food to eat; no water to drink; no matter how you all fight against each other also not bothered.
After all already become Buddha, correct?
However you have no need to fear, because you have become a Buddha, you manifested into the One that succor Sentient Beings, He will understand  as he has acquired Buddha’s Wisdom, no matter how much suffering, how much pain, would not affect the Principal Divinity or the original Buddha’s form; your Buddha Form is there; forever unmoving; no going and no coming; in actual fact, the Form that you exhibit in the Sentient Realm is but the Moon in the Water; the Flower in the Mirror; wonder whether you understand these concepts or not?
All that we forbear are false; imaginary; therefore still have to sincerely make Boddhicitta Wish.

Pikiran siswa tadi juga benar. Dunia saha terlalu menderita, kalau kita sudah mencapai ke-Buddha-an, buat apa datang lagi? Saya akan pergi kalau sudah mencapai ke-Buddha-an, peduli amat para insan mau mati, mau hidup, mau sakit, mau menderita, mau miskin, mau kelaparan, makan atau tidak, minum atau tidak, kalian berkelahi sampai bagaimana pun bukan urusan saya. Toh saya telah mencapai ke-Buddha-an, iya khan? Namun Anda jangan takut, karena Anda telah mencapai ke-Buddha-an, sosok manusia hasil penjelmaan Anda di dunia saha untuk menyeberangkan para makhluk itu, Ia pasti mampu memahami, Ia telah memperoleh Prajna Agung Buddha, betapa besar duka, betapa besar penderitaan, tidak akan melukai Yidam, tidak akan melukai Tubuh Buddha yang asali, Tubuh Buddha Anda yang di sana itu tidak akan pernah terpengaruh, tidak datang maupun pergi, Anda yang menitis di dunia saha itu, sesungguhnya tidak lebih dari bayangan rembulan dalam air, juga tidak lebih dari pantulan bunga dalam cermin, mengertikah Anda. Yang dirasakan adalah palsu, ilusi, makanya, kita tetap harus membangkitkan Bodhicitta.

English translation by Lama Lotuschef.

Actually the person that asked this question didn't listen to GM at all.
The requisites for a Buddha is Wisdom & Compassion and how to apply wisdom to further the effectiveness of Compassion to succor all sentient beings.
Cultivating without Boddhicitta, one arrives at Arhat stage and that's it.
With Boddhicitta one moves on to Boddhisattva n Buddha.

GM said this many times too.

Before Gm left Seattle for Taiwan in April 2010, another student asked GM to teach her something that easy to achieve results as she said she followed GM for the past 30years, but don't know what GM is talking about.

GM answer was He also don't know what he is talking about too! hahaha!

Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

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