
Friday, January 13, 2012

13-1-2012 Realistic Dreams

HL – Dreamt that she was cultivating with me and a group of students. The scene was very clear.
Few days later, when she came cultivating, the seating arrangements and the session were just like in her dream.
This student can see into the Future.

VT – Dreamt that a group of people said thank you to her. She asked for what?
The answer was she had prepared some gifts for them.
Well? She did special dedication to Earth & City Gods!

The Dream was before the actual offering but once I wrote the Edict for the dedication, the receivers already alerted to the gifts coming to them.

Dreams for a cultivator are very realistic. Don’t under estimate them.

Happy Cultivating!

Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

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