
Sunday, December 25, 2011

25-12-2011 Sutra carved on Golden Rock Wall

2008 October
I was chanting High King Avalokitesvara Sutra [Gao Wang Jing 高王经].
I had already stopped counting after the first 3 thousands times.

I saw myself carving some strokes, triangles onto the faces of a huge rock in a kind of diamond-shaped formation. 
The characters on the sides of the these diamond-shape boxes.
Have always wonder how I can do carving on a 10-storey high facade of a golden rock which is very hard and how do I maintain my balance without ladder and rope while using my "fingers" to write some sort of sutra on this rock surfaces. 

I remember I wrote them in a certain pattern for fear of those unscrupulous who would steal anything and use them evilly. 

I just know that it is important that this sutra do not fall into the wrong hands. 

This evening after Vajrasattva's Mantra marathon, we went to relax at MacDonald Restaurant.

Ed reminded me about this visualization while we were taking about visualization techniques and how I know how to visualize certain scenarios.

So I was saying the golden rock is very hard like solid gold and 10 storeys high. Then I said: O! Jin gang jing [金刚经].
Then I remember the Diamond shape!!! 
Hahaha. This Sutra is called Diamond Sutra!!!

Therefore I have great affinity with Diamond sutra in one of my previous lives and can memorise the sutra to carve them down?
Mean to record it and also "code" it so as not to let the Keys or Essence of this sutra be misused. 

Believe it or not, up to you.

High King Avalokitesvara Sutra is truly an amazing and "powerful" one, bring one to visit one's past lifetimes. 

Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

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