
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

21-12-2011 Weird Dreams??? 奇异的梦???

Facebook conversation:-

I will be there on time... I forgot to share with you that after last Saturday Fire Puja, I dreamt I had a buffet, did you ever go buffet they only provide 豆沙饼 (sweet and salty type) I walk and walk around then I saw my favorite 年糕...
Then my dream move to another place having dinner with some people, seem familiar yet I don't know who they are... Hee... Always had weird dreamt..

Earth gods like tou sa bing. Hahaha. Nian GAO means our new year goodies all received happily. Cheers.

Weird Dreams???

For Cultivators, Dreams are often answers given to you.

Another one that shows Sincere Intent in Offering, therefore, she has a dream to tell her that her offering were well received.

She dedicated one package each to Earth & City Deities during 17-12-2011 Fire Puja.

豆沙饼tou sa bing –flaky pastry cakes with sweetened green bean paste fillings.

年糕Nian gao is a glutinous rice cake made with brown sugar.


True & sincere Offering is your favorites – in this case, Lotus Yian Yian, likes Nian gao.

For the Kitchen Deities, we offer glutinous rice balls filled with brown/orange sugar stuffing before Kitchen Deities leave to give their annual report to the Heavenly Emperor.

These are purportedly to sweeten them up and also the stickiness of the glutinous rice dough keep their mouth sticky and closed, so they can only smile.

Dining with familiar people??? – These should be ancestors happily receiving offerings.
It is a good dream and not weird one.


Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

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