
Sunday, December 18, 2011

18-12-2011 Evidence of Repentance

Translated by Lotuschef
18-12-2011 Evidence of Repentance

Reverend: Deposit HK dollars today for the 38 x 2 Karmic negative packages!
Please check receipt!

Last night, suddenly saw myself doing bad deeds with people unknown to me,
Unknown environment, as if I am a man!

Heavens!  My Bad Karma from past kalpas?

Buddha and Boddhisattva let me see?

It is as if I am a 3rd person looking in, unable to control/ direct all my actions.
I had quite a big shock!

Reverend, Is this Evidence of Repentance after I make a sincere wish to repent?

I must say sorry properly!
Thanks for your teaching!

You always can share the key points of GM’s teachings with us!
The above student dedicated a Karmic Negative package to her own Karmic Negative at yesterday’s Fire puja session.
GM said previously: True repentance is you can accept the apologies yourself! It is not dependent on GM’s acceptance!

Repent – say sorry; Remorse – knowing that it is wrong, and never repeat the same anymore.

This is also [Sincere Heart], which make repentance effective.

Congratulations to this student, being able to see [Bad Karmic Deeds], will surely not repeat anymore!

Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

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