
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

15-11-2011 你皈依谁了?Who did You took refuge with?

            法師 Fashi [reverend]
·         XX法師你聽說過嗎 Have you heard of XX fashi
·         你們新加坡滿出名的案子 A well know case in Singapore
·         你見過這個人嗎?  Have you met this person before?

yes. very $$$ face 听过。很爱$$$
   哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 Hahahahahahaha
·         我在網路上認識一位師兄 I met a student online
·         他是他的弟子 He is the disciple of this fashi
·         然後他告訴我他坐牢 He told me that this fashi went to jail

·         為了錢 for money
·         這個人??? this person???
·         世界真小 the world is small

·         顯教的 belongs to Theravada
·         新加坡賣過新聞的 published in news media
·         09年 year 09
-畜牲道了 aura - animal realm already

·         i see the pic on the net  我看了网上的照片
·         他跟助手因為經濟上作假入獄 he & his assistant falsified financial statements and penalised by jail term

·         那人說自己很困擾 That person said he is troubled
·         皈依的師父入獄   his teacher whom he took refuge in sent to jail
·         哈哈            Haha
·         我不敢評論      I dare not comment

不必困扰。 跟他讲:他皈依的是3宝:佛法僧! There's no need to be troubled. tell him that: he took refuge in the Triple gems: Buddha Dharma Sangha!
叫他看看我的布洛克吧!Tell him to go read my blog!

To all fellow TBS' students, see how lucky you are to have a Root Guru that is straight and that teaches you all the good and right practices?

Please cultivate diligently!

I posted GM's speech on Refuge Taking and also that [In actual fact, we take refuge with our own Buddha Nature within - the Nirmakaya; Sambhogakaya & Dharmakaya. 

It is never the Guru or the reverend that you took refuge in. 
You took refuge in the Triple Gems for those in Theravada - Mahayana, Hinayana....
In Tantrayana - one takes refuge in Root Guru and the Triple Gems.

The Reverend that performed the refuge taking ceremony is not the one you take refuge in. Please be clear on this at least.

If the Reverend has gone astray, Buddha has not!

Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

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