
Thursday, October 6, 2011

6-10-2011 Fengshui?Auras?

A fellow student asked my help to help his brother-in-law, CH, look at a potential house he wants to buy.
CH came fetch me to view the house. The aura of the house "feels not right".
We walked around and I suggested to him to get another one that have a better "feel".

Few weeks later, CH called me and informed me that he has decided to buy the one he had first earmarked. The price is right for his budget and his wife likes it. It was a show house and left vacant for about 5 years.
Just can't get sold.

Few months hence, CH again request I help him plan the layout of the altar as he got the keys to the house already.
On this occasion 2 students went along and we picked up CH's wife and child along the way.
After suggesting placements of altar we left.

3 months later, CH called me and ask for date of moving in and also initializing the altar.
I gave him a choice of a few dates and timing but unable to do the altar as I am travelling out of town during those dates. I advised him what to do.

Upon my return from oversea pilgrimage, the CH's in-law, our fellow student, told me that the house ws broken into despite having buglar alarms switched on. The neighbours also witnessed the buglars sawing a squarish hole in the outer gate and them the inner gate and the wooden door. They didn't have CH's n his wife's contacts so they didn't do anything. Few hundreds dollars was stolen, some designer's bags and a couple of small item that can fit through the cut-hole.

Why didn't the neighbours call the police instead?

His wife also had a car accident and the car was damaged and she luckily escape unhurt.

Lucky for me, I didn't ask for any fees! I also explained that I don't know how to read Fengshui.

Hehe! Seems "feelings" also quite accurate!
Reminds me of a house I viewed in Seattle quite near TBS' Temple.
There were some huge pieces of dark coloured rocks outside the house's main entrance, on the right hand side to the Front door.
Walking through the house, I felt a presence. I asked who is the owner, and a lady told me she is the daughter of the owner. She said her Dad passed on and her mum moved to another state. So she is selling the house.
We went outside to the backyard and the trees were not growing well, branches were scarce and balding. Give me a very "dead" / lifeless feeling.
I asked the agent who is a fellow student on details of building or reconstruction regulations and the build-in area existing and the maximum allowable area for expansion. He said he didn't know.

I then talked to another reverend that went along to see the house.
I told him I felt the presence of the lady owner in the living room where the fireplace is.
He said he felt something too.

I told him that the owner is not honest with us and so is the agent, our fellow student.
Let's get out of the place fast.

The agent's wife came up to me the next day and said to trust her spouse and to pay a US$10,000 deposit to buy the house. I told her I am not interested in 3rd parties interfering with any deals. She went around scolding me and "black-washing me".
The house remained unsold till now!
From the above, readers can deduce that I really know nothing about Fengshui!
Hahaha! Please stop any rumours you hear that I am good at Fengshui.

"Feelings" a place gives out?
I believe they can best be described as "energy forms" lingering around their familiar places or "home".
"Feelings" like these can best be called Auras?

Hahaha! Whatever! Does not matter one way or another, what you choose to call them.
I just can't explain why they changes from place to place and why I feel them!

Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

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