
Saturday, October 29, 2011

29-10-2011 Dharma Speech or Sales Pitch?

Dharma speaker should expound Dharma?
Hahaha! by right that is so!!!

I heard the most absurd "Dharma speech" to date.
The speech started with some tips about signs of a person about to die.
First his bones + flesh = Earth, starts to stiffen.
Then his blood +body fluids like saliva = Water, Freeflow. Peeing or pooing all over.
Then his breath = Wind, shut down
Then his temperature = Fire, dies down.

If his head maintain heat longer then he is going upwards but if his feet maintain heat longer then he is going downwards to hell.

He went on to promote a cloth printed with Maha Pratisarah's Dharani, alleging that GM said a deceased covered by this cloth will be delivered upwards. As someone donate 1500 pieces, please hurry to get them as stock will run out fast.

He said this one covers the corpse and the Usnisa Vijaya one covers the coffin.

I have given details on Maha Pratisarah and Usnisa Vijaya as GM has shared.

I don't recall GM saying a cloth printed with Maha Pratisarah's Dharani can automatically deliver the deceased to PureLand.

I only remember clearly that GM said an Enlightened One is one that Knows All Karmic Influences.
Buddha also said No One Can Escape His Own Karma.

Does this specially printed cloth has powers that GM & Buddha do not know of?
What happen to the Karmic influences of this deceased?

Again, when you can afford their prices, You Can Buy Your Way To PureLand?


This speaker went on to say if he has your full personal data, he can tell you accurately about your life and fortune. He said these are taught by GM from the Tao section of TBS' practices!
He can even start a consultation joint if he so please.

Dear readers, have you all read about Liao Fan's story? [了凡四训]
Or for that matter, what about Buddha's and GM's sharing that One Can Dictate One Own Destiny of Life and Death?


At the start of my speech, I pointed out that this person has taken refuge for 20+ years while Freshie me, only 3 years.

For those interested, you can go read my articles on Power in piece of  paper!

Sadly, and unfortunately for most of the audience, they bought this sales pitch and eager to dive into grabbing these cloths!!!


Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

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