
Sunday, October 23, 2011

23-10-2011 NOT TRUE LAMA?

Samadhi is a fascinating topic that to some is Unreachable/Unattainable!
If you think this way, then come to cultivation with us at Pure Karma, and we will show you otherwise. GM teaches the TRUTH n ONLY THE TRUTH!
For those that tell you Cultivation is Hard and Life as a Lama is hard then Smile and walk away. They are NOT TRUE LAMA! Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.
Sakyamuni Buddha discovered after depriving himself of Food & Rest that the True Path does not lay in starving self of nourishment and resting/sleeping to let the body “recharges”.

So why are many Buddhist disciples doing just that?

Why are sentient beings admiring these errant disciples who ignored Buddha’s teachings and carry on to deprive themselves of a Healthy Shell to cultivate?
Life as a Lama/Monk is Hard? Says who?

Look at GM?
Very orderly daily routine, resulting in a Healthy shell to succor sentient beings daily.
A smiling and compassionate countenance exuberating Security, Love and Warmth for all!
Is GM lacking in anything IMPORTANT?

NO! Nothing is important to The Enlightened One/A Living Buddha as he has gone through cultivation and true renunciation.

It is a sad personal story if any Lama/Monk tells you a hard luck story trying to get you to give them financial support to live their daily life in comfort. They are not cultivating right, that’s why lacking in Affinity with all sentient beings.

Believe it or not, if one cultivate along the Boddhi Path like GM, caring for all sentient beings, one will not be left destitute. The Universal beings will care for you and support you along the path.

Materials of this world? No need to be lavish. Just enough to keep your shell healthy, that’s all.
Noticed some lamas/monks only accept food when they asked for alms? 
These are true ones that not Greedy for money.

Seen some truly destitute lamas/monks hanging around temples waiting for people to give them money, they do not carry a bowl for food!

During Dharma speeches, I have heard a few lamas/monks telling attendees that life is hard without money to cultivate. Hahaha!

One doesn’t need Money to cultivate. Only need a sincere heart and compassionate one to care for all sentient beings, adhering closely to Buddha’s teachings.

In GM’s article, Hinayana & Mahayana, he details very clearly the differences and all based on Affinity.

If one chooses to cultivate Hinayana way, one does not have time for sentient beings at all. 
So pray tell how to you expect sentient beings to care for you? 
You don’t share Dharma and never bother to be compassionate to sentient beings, locking yourself away to cultivate, when you need financial support then you surfaced, expecting sentient beings to support you to attain Buddhahood?

No way! Anyway, these people of Hinayana leanings will only reach Arahat as they lack Boddhicitta to cross the Boddhisattva’s level to Buddhahood.

Do not worry that you will are not discerning enough to recognize the errant ones, your generosity towards all Sanghas is such that your giving without discrimination is sincere and up to those receiving your generosity to bear their own karma if they abused your generosity by not returning you with diligent cultivation and blessing dedication for all.

Just like some said they need to build temples and you gave your support. If they cannot deliver as promised, it is their karma and not yours.

Why do they Need to build temple? They have yet to understand that the Universe will provide when you are on the Right Path.

Be discerning please. Else you make yourself unhappy when you found out you have been cheated.

Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

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