
Monday, October 17, 2011

17-10-2011 Auspicious Fire Puja [8]

There's more from Fire puja of 15 Oct 2011. These are photos taken by Lotus Raymond.


See the golden light around my left hand? Right too!

The golden light now around my right hand!

The Fire Puja offerings in individual lotuses.

Sumptuous Food offerings! Birthday buns of course!

This is the main offering in two full bowls, wine, oil, sesame oil,  perfume.....

GM and Avaloitesvara and behind the fruits are the lucky draw prizes.

The refuge certificates with lotuses and incense are for those spirits (Karmic negatives) that took refuge.

Lotus Helen meticulously prepare clothings for the spirits with incense paper printed with Usnisa Vijaya Dharani.

These are packages for dedication to ancestors or karmic negatives. Consist of a stupa, lotus, talisman order,  10 types of incense paper, hats, clothings....

Look at each carefully, there's a genuine pearl on each one.  The white colored ball on top of the sliced carrot!

There's an orb on my right arm.

Light orbs scattered all around us.

Big orbs against the building on the left.

There are orbs all over this one too.

Forming Mansjuri Boddhisattva's hand mudra.

Prise winners of the Golden Light Talisman. There's a large orb on my left infront of the envelop I am holding.
Prize winners of the Maha Pratisarah Mandala printout. There is a very bright  orb on top right .

Look out for more coming.............

Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

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