
Sunday, August 21, 2011

21-8-2011 [‎18-8-2011 佛菩薩不在了]

I have translated this article again, as the one from the web not expressing what I set out to share.

‎18-8-2011 佛菩薩不在了

What are the signs & symptoms of Divinities absence from a Temple?

The following are some which I hope can help towards discerning the above.

1. Attendance dropping drastically in short span of time

2. Feeling tired after cultivating there

3. Cannot concentrate on cultivation

4. You just can't pick up the impetus to attend any cultivation session or events

5. Your daily life encounter lots of hurdles & hindrances

6. You feel sickly gradually & no shine in you when you look at the mirror

7. Your wishes never materialize as promised by the temple's staffs

8. You feel being con or rip-off by the temple staff recommending various expensive services but ineffective.

9。盜竊寺廟內的個人物品 - 檢索中造成動盪
9. Thefts of personal items within temple's premises - causing an upheaval in retrieval

10. Thefts of temple's properties like statues of Divinities or equipment like Vajra bell & septre....

11。行政委員會激烈的爭論, 導致周遭不和諧
11. The administrative committee having heated arguments that resulted in disharmony all around

12. Rudeness of temple personnel

Greed:- This is promoted by the temple's personnel who put high monetary value on all items BLESSED by GM or XX master..... This resulted in statues & etc being stolen.

貪婪: - 這是促進寺廟的人員把师尊或某某大师加持过物品定下高價.....這導致了佛像和法器等被盜。

The Vajra bell & septre/dorje went missing after GM used them for invocation of Divinities at a certain event last year. GM's statue for that event also went missing.
去年,金剛鈴杵/多傑 经过师尊在某法会使用后失踪。 师尊金身也失踪了。
The master & staff of the temple can't maintain the presence of the Divinities & also the Dharma protectors when GM is not present, resulting in kiosk.

Recently, the offerings (rice, canned goods, ....) were donated to charity after an event. But the next day, the temple's staff called up the charity organisation & yelled at them for taking all before their staff & volunteers have a chance to pick what they want for themselves.
Most of these people also do not want those offerings that come from the bardo booth as well.
在第二天,寺廟的工作人員打電話給慈善機構大聲呵斥他們把供品全搬走, 没等该庙员工和义工先挑选他們要收为己用的。

GM said: Om Ah Hom! Cleanses all!
The temple should not encourage staff & volunteers to pick the choice offerings & then "donate" the leftovers to charity.


MINDSET! 心态、见解!

Please be observant & discerning.請細心观察和辨认。

Amituofo 阿弥陀佛
Lotuschef 莲廚
Pure Karma 净业
True Buddha School 真佛宗

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