
Thursday, August 18, 2011

18-8-2011 GM on Buddhadharma May 5, 1993

THIRD DAY: MAY 5, 1993
Masters, fellow cultivators, good afternoon. Today is the third day of this discourse on An Overview of the Buddhadharma. On the first day, I discussed "Faith" and "Comprehension." On the second day, I discussed "Actual Practice" and "Realization." These four topics of Faith, Comprehension, Actual Practice, and Realization comprise the four major steps of the Buddhadharma. With these topics already discussed and, as today is such a fine day, perhaps we can all go outside and have a picnic or climb the mountains! (audience laughter)
One the other hand, because An Overview of the Buddhadharma is such an important subject, we will continue our discussion today. Indeed, life is very short. During our daily lives, besides paying attention to activities that make our bodies and minds healthy, we also need to focus more on cherishing the valuable Buddhadharma. As part of our everyday life, I hope that each of us can go and spend some time with Nature. From water and mountains, one may experience the Truth of the Buddhadharma, for Truth is not confined just to reading sutras, chanting, keeping a vegetarian diet, or abiding by the precepts. It is possible for one to find the revelation of the Buddhadharma in any human activity in which one engages. A very important point is that each of the steps of Faith, Comprehension, Actual Practice, and Realization can be demonstrated in and integrated with one's daily activities.
Therefore, in practicing the Buddhadharma, one should find one's heart gradually expanding rather than contracting. Integrate every single speech, every action, and every aspect of your life with the Buddhadharma. "Experience" and "demonstrate" the Buddhadharma in your daily life. The more one expands one's heart and releases the ego, the more radiance will shine through. On the other hand, if one's heart becomes narrower or one's self-grasping tightens, then darkness will take over. It is very easy for one to become sidetracked from the right path and take up a wrong viewpoint. Therefore, on this Saturday, we will participate in our regular group cultivation at 8:00 p.m. and, on Sunday, we will go out and climb the mountain behind the Rainbow Villa. I assure you that you will be gasping for breath when you climb to the top. [audience laughter] Mountain climbing is good training and also good physical exercise. When you view the magnificent mountains, the earth, and the flowing waters, you will find that the beautiful sceneries of Nature are permeated with poetry and Dharma Taste.

Pure Karma
True Buddha School

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