
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10-8-2011 Don't Live In A Haunted Place

CHAPTER 3 - Don't Live In A Haunted Place
I once studied a very elegant house.
The location was all right. The house had a lucky look and all the rooms inside were lucky. All the furniture was arranged according to geomanic considerations. The owner of the house had previously invited several well-known geomancy masters to look at the place, who all said: "Very good."
However, as soon as I stepped into the house, I felt something was strange in there.
I remarked, "Nothing is wrong with the house in terms of geomancy. But it is filled with a strange atmosphere. This is because there are strange spirits in here."
"Which is the most strange place in the house ?" the owner asked me.
With my special sense of touch, I toured around every room until I came to the swimming pool behind the house. I stopped there and said, "This is the most unusual place!"
The owner remarked, "You are indeed extraordinary, Living Buddha Lian Shen! Most of the monstrous events have occurred here."
The owner told me that people swimming there would feel extremely cold after a while. Every swimmer had at least once had a cramp in the leg. When one person was swimming, he would feel someone was pulling his leg. When diving deep into the water, he would feel there were other people swimming down there while in fact there was nobody. Sometimes at night when nobody was swimming there were sounds of someone splashing the water.
"So, this place is haunted!" I told him.
After some inquiry I got to know that on the land where the house stood was originally an old-fashioned hospital and the part where the swimming pool was the mortuary. As the hospital was very old, it was pulled down during some development programme and a huge elegant house was put up in its place.
As the spirits of the dead from the hospital had not all left, they would cause very monstrous events.
I, Living Buddha Lian Shen, hold that there are spirits in the land. For example, there are spirits in the ruins of temples, in the ruins of hospitals, the ruins of grave yards, old battle fields, ruins of execution grounds, places where there had been murder cases, places of massacres from fires or earthquakes, places where the alter of gods had been moved. There are surely spirits if unusual things happen for no reason at all or there is no peace or security. Murder often suddenly occurs where there are spirits from the nether world.
What to do with haunted places ? Some masters would recommend the removal of soil 50 cm deep with a bulldozer and put clean soil in its place. In this way the soil the spirits cling to is removed and the place will not be haunted any more.
However, if the house is already built there praying for avertion will be the only way out.
The Taoists will use the Nine-Phoenix Clean Water for Dirt Removal.
Students of Buddhism will first recite the Great Compassion Mantra and sprinkle the Great Compassion Water both inside and outside the house. Then they will get some pieces of green bamboo, chip off the surface and write on them the land mantra : "Om. Dulu. Dulu. Diwei. Soha." These bamboo pieces are then buried around the house. This is to indicate that the spirits staying in the soil are no longer able to harass the people living in the house, nor are they able to transgress the limits.
The commonly used methods include:
  • Sprinkling of sacred water by Catholic priest.
  • Purification method by Taoist.
  • Chanting of mantra to deliver the spirits from their suffering.
Haunted places are not always ruins of temples, grave yards, hospitals, battle fields or execution grounds. I was once asked to study a house whose owner was fond of antiques. In his house, he had a great collection of things used by ancients, such as beds, tables, chairs, tools and tables for worshipping gods. Among these things used by the ancients, some have spirits attached to them, who can throw the whole house into great chaos. The house I visited was one of such houses.
Besides, some places became haunted because there had been too much negative force (the Yin) there. They are places where spirits from the nether world like to get together. Such places would include theaters in dark and shaded corners, deep valleys in mountains, special castles and very old houses.
Generally geomancy masters do not know what to do with haunted places. I, Living Buddha Lian Shen, am very experienced in this field. To be haunted, I would say, is a kind of interference by spirits. According to geomancy, houses must be situated in the right kind of magnetic field so that people living in them feel comfortable and happy. If the magnetic field is interfered and thrown into confusion, people there will feel fidgety and all things will go wrong.
To be haunted is invisible. A Book of Secrets on Land Spirits says:
"Hauntedness means mischiefs by ghosts."
Haunted places are not suitable for ordinary people to live in.
Surprisingly, I, Living Buddha Lian Shen, like to live in a haunted place, as I can regulate the frequency of spirit appearances. Making friends with the spirits, I can turn their interference into peace for my own use and benefit. Masters of geomancy should not be afraid of haunted places. If you can make use of the spirits, these places are safer and you will experience greater development and special result in cultivation.

Pure Karma
True Buddha School

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