
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10-8-2011 A Comparison Between A House And The Body

CHAPTER 7 - A Comparison Between A House And The Body
According to my respected teacher Master Qing Zhen, "As a person has lived in a house for a long time and been influenced by its environment and by its magnetic field, the person will be like the house and the house will be like its person."
A Book of Secrets on Land Spirits also makes a comparison between a house and the human body:
  • The gate and its front side is like the facial features.
  • The right and left sides are like the hands and feet.
  • The sitting room is the heart.
  • The toilet is the kidney.
  • The kitchen is the liver.
  • The living-room is the lungs.
  • The dining-room is the spleen.
So, a house is compared to the human body in terms of various parts. If the house has some defect in a particular part, it will affect the owner's health or destiny. The correspondence between the various parts of the house and the body is not 100 percent accurate. For some families make their sitting-room dining-room as well, or have a bath-room in their living-room. So the division cannot be very definite.
However, Master Qing Zhen indeed told me that a geomancer can in fact discover what is exactly wrong with a house if his observation is really keen.
In the past, in practising geomancy, I often taught my students what is "a murderous case" and what is "a superfluous case". Murderous cases will include: the house is not complete with certain defects or not properly enclosed, or with a skylight, or the skylight is not in harmony with the rest of the house, or there are too many doors in the house or the doors are not necessary or they are not symmetrical.
What is a superfluous case? "Superfluous" means the growth of unnecessary things such as tumour or cancer. In studying a house, we pay attention to protruding things in its appearance. Such protruding objects tend to destroy symmetry and present contradiction with the whole building. They are like appendages to the house or like bags on the back of a person. They are totally out of place in size and in symmetry. We need to be very cautious with such protuberances as they may bring tumour or cancer to the family.
I, Living Buddha Lian Shen, do not like the idea of "reconstructing" part of a house or building additional parts to it. For example, the original partition of a house is very good. You may spoil its geomanic fate if you suddenly hit upon a new idea, pulling down one part and putting up another.
  • It is necessary to know that reconstructing the inside is like performing an "operation" on the house.
  • It is necessary to know that building additional parts to the outside is like growing superfluous things on a body.
It is advisable not to pull down or change any part of it for no reason at all. If the change is rational, nothing happens. If it is not rational, it is like ripping open the body or transplanting unnecessary parts.
For pulling down or building any part of the house is to change the geomanic structure and the magnetic field. If it is a correct change, well and good. If it is a wrong change, it will be disastrous.
I, Living Buddha Lian Shen, hold that for any change of the house, it is better to consult a good geomancer. The starting date of the construction is very important. Any reconstruction or repair is like a medical operation on a house body. If the operation is not successful, it undermines one's constitution.
I am fairly particular about small repairs in the house, such as a broken glass, a leaking pipe, a crack in the wall or a power problem. When anything goes wrong with utensils, it is better to set it right then and there. Such minor repairs do not change its geomanic structure and therefore do not involve any danger. However, if things have got broken and remain broken for a long time without repair, they will affect one's spirits, which will in turn affect one's fate. So don't leave things out of repair. Set them right as soon as possible.
This is very much like having a slight cold - it is not properly treated, it will develop into a bad cold, or even pneumonia or kidney trouble.
I was once invited to a friend's place.
"Each member of your family is going to have an operation!" I came to this conclusion almost at once.
"Why?" my friend wanted to know.
"Because you've dug up a big hole beside your stomach."
In order for their car to have an easy access to the highway, they had made a big opening in the wall nearest to the road, leaving intact the wall on the second floor.
Strange enough, one member of the family had had an operation every year for three years already.
My friend asked for a remedy without having to stop up the opening.
Choosing a lucky date, I used the avertion method by praying for an invisible wall over the opening.
As expected, no one from the family had had any operation ever since. The method worked wonders!

Pure Karma
True Buddha School

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