
Thursday, July 21, 2011


Translated by Jason Yam (Page 72 – 73)

You are known as Living Buddha, how do you heal your patients without medication?
Curing a sickness is an expedient way as far as Buddhism is concerned. It is not the most important aspect of the teachings. To cure the sick is to develop his confidence after his recovery, so he will take up the faith in Buddhism.
Such healing method is formless. It is a totally spiritual way of healing. The healing can be seen in three respects: the confidence of the patient, my role as the solicitor who, with utmost sincerity, invites the universal energy to descent and radiate, in order to heal the patient.
In this universe, there are many ‘energies’. When these energies are being applied on the patients, their sickness will be cured. To say such thing in the twentieth century sounds unbelievable. But this is a truth, the miracle occurs in a blink. It is effective without long term and frequent consultations, and the patients are not restricted to only my own disciples. For example, in the ceremony held last year in Hong Kong, I told the participants to touch the affected parts of the bodies with their hands, and visualize the Buddha and Bodhisattvas radiate to empower the affected parts. The results were wondrous: a tumor disappeared from one’s head; after a loud bang, one’s bent spinal cord was back to normal on his way home; a wheel chair bounded child was able to walk there and then; a blind person could see; a deaf could hear; and all kinds of miracles had happened. It was just as simple as that!
Is this any different from other mystic powers?
This can be considered as a form of mystic power. The only difference is that it is achieved by long term practice on daily meditation, chanting and visualization.
Is it possible for those who are seriously ill, for instance those suffering from cancer, to be fully cured?
The recovery rate is not one hundred percent. The crux lies in the confidence of the patient, his causation and the extent of his unwholesome karma. As the saying goes, ‘One’s sincerity can move the heaven and earth’. If you are very sincere, you will be able to move the spirit to help you. If you are doubtful, it will be ineffectual. Apart from this, the seriousness of the sickness is an important factor too. For instance, if you have one breath left out of the possibility of ten, you will sure die; or if your unwholesome karma can be quantified to be five hundred pounds and the eradication by the Bodhisattva is only to the extent of three hundred pounds, the problem will still remain. While praying and doing spiritual healing on behalf of the patients, I have to take on the suffering on their behalf. For the ceremony held in Hong Kong, I was sick for three days on behalf of the participants. When the ceremony was over, I was back to normal.
Living Buddha Lian-Sheng later demonstrated the spiritual healing to the reporters. He stretched out his left hand with palm facing upward and chanted, “Spirit please descends. Please…” In just a few seconds, his palm was trembling as if electrified. His fingers were moving left and right, and his palms opened and closed automatically and rhythematically. The audience was very impressed. At the same time, he looked at his palm and continued, “The Dharma stream descended from the void and caused the tremble in the palm. The tremble represents certain signals, through which a video screen appears in my mind, and I am able to see the problems faced by the patients and so, I am able to give convincing answers.
Are miracles only confined to Buddhism? Is it possible to achieve enlightenment within seven days?
Basically, Christianity and Buddhism both teach the path of believing, accepting, worshipping and practicing. Both religious agree that if you believe in the truth, you must practice it. ‘Believe and Vow’ means that after believing, you make great vows. That is why you are able to attain enlightenment in seven days.
Previously, Jesus Christ used miracles to convince people. It was recorded in the Bible. He made the blind see again, the crippled walk again. But his miracles were even criticized by Christians.
I have the mission to succor sentient beings. Many Bodhisattvas and protectors are constantly surrounding me. That is why our sect is thriving. Because of our popularity, fraternities of traditional Buddhism attack us. The strange thing is, the more we are being attacked, the more popular we become! The audience broke into laughter.
Why don’t you hold a ritual in Vancouver to heal the sick, for the benefit of everyone?
Miracle happens based on some amazing conditions. When ritual is well attended, many miracles will happen. When only a few people are praying, the power will be less influential for the much spiritual energy to descend. Since in the States and Canada, there are few immigrants who are Buddhists, their connection with the Buddha will not be close and therefore can never be compared with those staying in South East Asia. Having said that, it is still possible to hold a ritual here.
His Living Buddha ended the conference with the following message:
I did not wish to see the media giving too much publicity to our sect. Too fast a pace in expansion will upset our plan of salvation. I firmly believe that we should coordinate well with the media based on our strength, in order for our sect to grow steadily and naturally, which will be a more ideal way.

Pure Karma
True Buddha School

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