
Friday, June 24, 2011

24-6-2011 Dharma Epithet

The Aura of Wisdom 
By Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by True Buddha Foundation Translation Team
This was translated from Grandmaster Lu's 154th book, 智慧的光環.

CHAPTER 24 - Dharma Epithet
The disciples of the True Buddha School are addressed with the Dharma epithet beginning with the word, Lotus.
Lotus, as a symbol, carries multiple meanings:
1. A Lotus grows from mud yet is untainted by it, thus representing the stage of moving into buddhahood from the gross material level.

2. With the attainment of fruition, one gains rebirth in Maha Twin lotus Ponds.

3. Everyone is an emanation of the lotus, and everyone is thus Padmakumara.

4. The world of Maha Twin Lotus Pond is linked to the Flower Adornment World of Sakyamuni Buddha, connected to the Flower Adornment World of Amitabha Buddha, and leads to the Flower Adornment World of Vairocana Tathagata, which is also known as the Secret Adornment World (Mitsugon Kokudo).

5. The lineage guru of Tantric Buddhism is Padmasambhava.

6. The Root Guru of the True Buddha School is Lian-sheng (lotus-born).

7. The lineage Guru is Lian-sheng, and all the disciples of the True Buddha School are addressed as Lotus so and so. This is a collective expression of the Wisdom of Equanimity, the Great Mirror-like Wisdom, the Wisdom of Ultimate Reality, the All-Accomplishing Wisdom, and the Non-Discriminating Wisdom.

8. When the lineage Guru and all his disciples are one and the same, it is called `yoga` or `union`.

9. The wisdom of seeing others as equal to oneself is known as the Wisdom of Equanimity. Sharing the same Dharma epithet is the most outstanding hallmark of the True Buddha School, for the very meaning of this arrangement illustrates that the Root Guru is willing to prostrate to the incredible existence of sentient beings, who have the Inherent Buddha Nature.

10. Only through the cultivation of equanimity shall one attain `no hatred and no enmity`, and enter into the realm of `no thought`. Thus, one shall realize that `no thought is Buddha`.

Here is a verse:
The Perfectly Enlightened Amitabha
Expressed through Lian-sheng as an abbot
The pure lotus assembly of the Tathagata
Shall attain Enlightenment born of the lotus

Pure Karma Vihara

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