
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

22-6-2011 Attached Spirit 缠身灵[2]

21-6-2011 Attached Spirit 缠身灵

Please refer to the above article. This is Part [2]

I received the information of the deceased friend from X on 20 June at 23:06 &  the cousin's data at 23:21.
After I did up the refuge certificate & the order & incense bundle, I did a bardo deliverance slightly after 12 midnight. 
X called me after he read my article posted at 1.08am of 21 June. 
I told him to tell the cousin to negotiate with the attached spirit & I also taught him how.

Last night at about 23:05, I had a flash and a signal telling me that the attached spirit willing to leave.
I text X to tell him & he said his cousin probably negotiating with the spirit & not answering his call.

At 23:41, X text these: Just spoken to my cousin. He said to him already. After the talk, he felt much better with some release from his body. Great!

Today, 22 June 13:14 : Hi Fashi, my cousin told me that this morning when his friend saw him, look different towards better appearance. Great GM and Fashi. Cheer!

What GM taught us truly works & fast too!
Of course GM helps in all these too!

Another one that GM saves!

GM is truly Great But not Fashi! Hahaha!

Pure Karma Vihara

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