
Friday, June 17, 2011

17-6-2011 Dream Yoga 梦瑜伽

Please refer to 14-6-2011 梦 - 天界? Dream - Heavenly Realm

The little Lotuschef of 8years, has big light golden medium length curls. His curly hair seems uncombed all the time. His sash/toga if not tied in place around the waist, will also get lost along the path of his wanderings.
He just flies whenever he wants to without wings. Just a thought & he takes flight.
A cheerful chubby boy sent to a school in the Heaven Realm for a mission.

What has the boy, Lotuschef, to do with Dream Yoga?

Haha. In a dream, when one can control one's actions that is to control the scenario of the dream, it is continuing the cultivation or yoga into the dream.
Principle Divinity is Mayura!
Lotuschef become ordinated in September 2009 at the Mayura Event in Seattle by GM.
Principle Dharma Protector - Acala & Kalachakra.
Lotuschef invoked Mayura with visualization of formation of Mayura's hand mudra because his little hands & fingers were somehow 'freezed' by a crooked cultivator, the new superintendent of the school.

When we cultivate & chant GM's mantra & then the various Principles' mantra with Hand mudra & visualization, even in a dream, we can call upon any one of them or all of them for help.

The boy, Lotuschef was too carefree & let down his guard as he is friendly with all in that school.
Well, this also teaches us not to be too lax & forget to do armor Protection.
As GM said, even if you can't see, the Demons & etc are ever ready to play with us, test us, harm us.

Never underestimate the Importance of Armor Protection at any time.
Well, I learned my lesson. Haha!
I went to sleep chanting GM's mantra & Mayura's too.
Should have went one step further & transform like GM taught us.
Can transform into vajra septre or dorje or the crossed-dorje or GM or Mayura before sleeping.

Lucky for Lotuschef in the dream, the mind is clear & he is calm.
Also remembered GM's & Buddha's teachings to not harm anyone & be compassionate.

Well, carrying on cultivation into your dream & being able to control the direction of your dream is Dream Yoga. It is another state of Samodhi, that's all.

Haha! GM gave me the Green Light to share! 
Any one not authorised or do not have the relevant empowerment using what I shared is consider as Stealing & a big crime. The Dharma Protectors will act upon them accordingly. 

Now, I am open to share any cultivation  technique taught to me by GM.
Well, isn't GM great???

Happy cultivating everyone!!!

Pure Karma Vihara

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