
Sunday, May 22, 2011

22-5-2011 师尊退休?GM retires? [2]

More from fellow students after GM's speech yesterday.

Jayoscar Wong 不懂得珍惜佛住世的珍贵,堂务不能兴盛问题在堂本身,如果连法会也不能办得吸引人,那就证明自己需要检讨。 参考中观堂做法也不坏,邀请师尊去加持啊。 没饭吃不太可能。。。

Steven Thung 若是真正發心弘揚密法度眾而不是以個人營利為目的,必定得根本上師,本尊和龍天護法的護持而法務興旺,不可能搞到虧損而要把分堂関掉。

Bryan Wong 請師尊長住世間、大輪法輪

Steven Thung 現在搞到醬,無論師尊在台否,好像不提早收山也不行了。。。。

Jayoscar Wong 绝对不能收,注意恶缘起,绝对不能出现这类意趣。

人是贪心的动物! 有了钱就要名!有了名就要权!有了权就挖多点钱! 没完没了!

{堂务不能兴盛问题在堂本身,如果连法会也不能办得吸引人,那就证明自己需要检讨。。 没饭吃不太可能。。。}
chapters affairs not prosperous, problem lies with the chapters concern. If can't attract others, that prove chapter has to study what went wrong.
Claiming they are out of livelihood is TOO RIDICULOUS!!!

From my blodspot earlier today:-
【从周日到周五-分堂大可搞多点活动, 无能的都把问题推在别人身上。
From Sunday through to Friday - branch chapters can organize more activities to hold or attract fellow students, only FAILURES pushed problems onto others.】


If genuinely want to share Dharma to benefit sentient beings, definitely will have Root Guru's, Principal Divinities & Principal Dharma Protectors blessing & chapter affairs should only PROSPER, not possible to end up bankrupt & close down.


I remember sharing about this temple being closed down by the Government - the people running it only go all out to get money from sentient beings & promoting all kinds of services or even the in-charge giving blessing by placing his hands on heads purportedly to bless & cleanse you.
Problem is, does this person has this kind of POWER???

GM said many times & recently again in HK Mayura's event - when one can yoga with any Divinities then one has POWER. Else all bluff!!!

Please do not be too worried as GM KNOWS BEST!

Our team has already booked our trips to Taiwan for big events, if GM does not conduct the events, then we can cancel our bookings & stay home only.

Pure Karma Vihara

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