
Thursday, April 7, 2011

7-4-2011 白事诵经White matter chanting - Myths

We went for the above on Sunday & Monday.
On Sunday evening, I did a bardo deliverance with relevant materials - script, orders, lotuses, incense, Dharani dedication & etc.

We captured light orbs ( click on above link to view) too when burning the incense & orders & etc.

These show that what GM taught us truly works!

However, the wake were poorly attended despite my sending out lots of SMS/emails & posting a notice on facebook & my blogspot.

Once again, Karmic negatives do not rub off on to you or just hop onto you.

Dharani chanting dedication is a form of sharing Dharma & donating the merits of chanting to the Deceased, increasing his merits in Pureland.

This is what GM always stresses: BODDHICITTA 菩提心.

Spirits are of very low energy level & do not show up as light orbs.
They are grey-greenish in color and very dull irregular form.
Not formed orbs of light like we captured on camera.

WE human beings are of a higher energy level thus we have a solid form.
It is our own deeds that determine our karmic energy level, when we hurt/harm self/others then we have higher level of negative karmic energy.
When these happen, karmic foes can easily control us or attached themselves to us & direct our lives.

For a cultivating yogi who follows the Boddhi path diligently, sharing Dharma & easing the lots of all sentient beings (visible & invisble), you can only shine brightly with Universal energy empowerment & negative energies got neutralized by your presence.
Nothing get attached to you.

Like the series of BEARING NEGATIVE KARMA I have written, when GREED is not present, there is no motive/reward in mind, you do not take over/ bear any Negative Karma.

Trust GM 100%?

I sincerely hope that more of fellow students & caring individuals do come forward to add voice & strength for White Matter Chanting.

You are welcome to join Pure Karma Vihara's chanting team.
Drop me an email with your name & contact numbers.
text: +65 9683 7009

Pure Karma Vihara

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