
Sunday, April 3, 2011

2-4-2011 Bear Negative Karma 替代 [7]

Anonymous said...
In the old days, the Tantric masters used to meditate in cemeteries, surrounded by rotting corpses, praying for the ghosts and demons there, as well as cultivating their own energies. To avoid "inauspicious things" is not part of real practice, as life itself is suffering, and we have to acknowledge that to truly practice. Just grasping after one end of the stick won´t get us anywhere. Just some thought!

April 2, 2011 6:45 AM

Well said. Haha! Padmasambhava cultivated at the most "ying" negative places as you described.
There is nothing to Grasp at all.

In Heart sutra, there is a statement that best describe this.
Therefore Sariputra, because there is no attainment, Bodhisattvas abide relying on the Perfection of Wisdom, without obscurations of thought, and so are unafraid.
无挂碍, 无有恐怖, 远离颠倒梦想....

Universal Wisdom of Buddhas lacking in most of us. Myself included.
But Ignorance & Pride plays a big part in people that believe Negative Karma is easily transferred to them.
There's the phrase : LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE.

Negatives can only find negatives. When you believe Negative can rub off on you by doing a charitable act, then your Ignorance, Fear for well being of self somehow create lots of scary scenario to keep you afraid. Haha!

Pure Karma Vihara

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