
Monday, March 14, 2011

14-3-2011 Karma Returns 姻缘果报

I received a call from a lady referred by a friend of mine this afternoon.
She said she needs me to go look at her house because she feels it is haunted.
It seems a geomancer claiming to be the student of a famous Theravada monk renown for geomancy skills told her that the house is haunted and ask her to get rid of the earth god tablet and shrine.
She sounded very distressed and seems the family are sick or left home because of disagreements.

She said felt someone sitting on her bed often but didn't see anyone.

It is hard to get 'history' from her until I put direct questions to her.

Haha! Got it!
Child spirits! She had a few abortions and did not know that she has to send them to pureland.

Haha! My medical training came in useful!

And of course Buddha's 8-fold path from the 4th Noble Truth.

Dear readers, if you have friends that had abortions and did not do anything about Bardo Deliverance, please ask them to seek help to settle the Child Spirits.
Those that aborted because of poor health and not intentionally do not want them, easier to negotiate.
Abortion cause the fetus' body to be dismembered into many parts.
Their spirits sometimes get caught by unscrupulous practitioners, casting them into pendants/statues, and forcing them to work.
Guess how resentful they are that you killed them on purpose!

Sometimes negotiation can sooth them, and they are willing to be delivered to Pureland, but the irreversible damages they done to the family can be catastrophic.

Karma does return as they are the results of your own deeds.

Do not create any Negative Karma please.

Earth God - GM said they are often your own ancestors that have some merits but not enough to be in Heaven so they become Earth god. Why get rid of them when it is not their fault?
Taking good care of them, they truly help to care for you and your family.

Geomancy?? Well, I do not encourage anyone to get too attach to this. As excessive become superstitious and also Buddha said that nothing is permanent. The aura of your house changes constantly and it is you that affects the aura of your house, so most times looking at you and family members is enough to settle whatever 'unsmooth' situations.

Haha! Cultivate Boddhicitta and your path will be smoothen day by day.

PS** Gm did not teach me how to read Fengshui (geomancy). So please pass word round that I am not able to see fengshui & don't ask me to go to your house or your friend's house. I can only teach you what GM has taught me, and that is cultivation of True Buddha's Yoga.

Pure Karma Vihara

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