
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

16-2-2011 Demon test 魔考

Y said to P: H spread words that you bad-mouth M. You are ban from this place. You must beware of H and ...... Do not contact them or write emails to them.
[Y did not realized that she is talking to P in the supposedly prohibited area. Also she didn't know that the assistant manager invited P to visit. Not too intelligent our Ms Y? Haha!]

P said: My Guru said there is no good nor bad. Did you see and hear all these first hand? Did M really did what I am supposed to have 'bad-mouthed'?
Haha! If all these not true then why bother about Lies others churned about me? 

Y then said: I am graduating this summer from Uni, and starting my own business. You come join me. I have financial backers.

Y did not realized that H & P are firmed friends. Trying to split these friends apart because P is an experienced professional and supposedly wealthy. 
Y has actually tricked P before. Little realizing that P is aware of her duplicities. Haha! [Ms Y has bad memory power!]

Previous occasion, Y seek out P to help in setting up a charity event, also claiming that she has lots of financial backing.

P said: when you graduate then I will help you when I have time. 

Y brought P to see the organizers of the charity event & introduced P as the one that is going to take charge of setting up the event to be held in P's & Y's hometown. 
P refuted her words & insisted that when Y graduates she can start organizing the event & P will help whenever she has time.

Y wanted to have P on her side as P is supposedly very wealthy and experience in business. Y really do not have many financial backers as she claims. She did not realized that P is not as wealthy as rumor has it too. [Rumors are often untruths that are being spread by people that are too free and nothing better to do, and they are often jealous too.]

When she returns to her hometown, she has no where to stay and she called P and said: I am coming on ......, I want to stay in your house.
P said: sorry, not convenient. Why don't you go stay with your own family?

Y's family do not welcome her as there are many differences unsettled and Y makes her own way in life.

Y likes to copy phrases, verses, statements from the famous and share on Facebook, putting herself in the forefront & trying to create an image of intelligence and being capable. She has a habit of ordering others around as if she is a princess. 

Dear readers, have you met these type of people before? 
Haha! Don't get deceive by exterior & sweet words too.

When I am in business, I always stress to my staff that we only explain our products' strong points and never speak bad about others' products. 

Trying to worm their ways into your confidence like Y, belittling others in the process. These are people you should avoid at all cost! Do you agree?

Haha! Excell in this Demon test.


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