
Friday, January 7, 2011

7-1-2010 密教行者应知/Practicing Yogi should know

I, Living Buddha Liansheng Lu Sheng Yen, believe that a practicing Yogi should know or should understand & learn ten matters, this is recorded in [Hou Jing Lv]:
Studious Tantric mantra chanters, within very fine & pure state, 3 times constantly know, the ten requisites of cultivation.
They are listed as follows:
1. Shrine of Cultivation
2. Truth of Mantra
3. Truth of Self
4. Truth of chanting
5. Stay fire filtration
6. Stay sound filtration
7. After sound release filtration
8. Cultivation mantra procedure
9. Homa procedure
10. Empowerment procedure

The excerpts extracted from GM's Book : 甘露法味

I sincerely hope readers of my articles go research further, because GM's books written in Chinese & often not able to accurately translate. 
Haha. Good day.


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