
Monday, January 3, 2011

我与魔做了交易 / I made a deal with the Demon

Terjemahan Indonesia: Aku Membuat Perjanjian Dengan Setan
Image © "Grave Pact" sketch by Puddnhead

这是个真实故事。This is a true story.
这不是我本身的经历。This is not my personal experience.

When I am bankrupt, a venerable help me by performing some rituals. I become a millionaire practically overnight. Therefore I continue to support him & his activities financially without a break.

My wife met a venerable & this venerable asked her a funny question: If your financial support is used to harm other venerables, what would you do?
My wife & I chose to ignore this & continue our support of the venerable that made us wealthy.

Well, problem surfaced. My son graduated from university but continue to demand large sum of living support to maintain a luxurious lifestyle. Recently he kept hounding us for large sums of money as capital for business investment. Refusing him cause a rife between us & he ignored us.

Few years ago, my wife has a small tumor which specialist said is benign. But recently discovered it has become malignant & requires surgical removal.

Is this Karmic retribution?

Have I unknowingly made a pact with the Demon for sudden riches?

Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

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