
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

19-12-2010 佛顶尊胜陀罗尼/Usnisa Vijaya Dharani

16-12-2010 --
Vajra master Lianyue lead cultivation of the above. We chanted the Dharani 21times. Then we went up to the topmost floor of Lei Zhang Shi Singapore to circle the pagoda.

Prajna light were captured by digital camera as above.

I told fellow disciples that if they don't know how to chant, then just listen & accept as a gift from those that know. When they eventually learn how to chant, then they share with others,

就算是听此陀罗尼也能受益 - 他不必经过因累世恶业造成轮回的恶果。不然,他会不停的生死轮回与三恶道,如,阿修罗,畜生和饿鬼。他能重生于佛国净土或富裕及有名望的家族里。
Even hearing the Dharani one can benefit - one do not have to undergo karmic retribution from evil karma & severe hindrances accumulated from thousands of Kalpas ago, that would otherwise result in one being stuck on endless cycles of birth & death in all life forms from the 3 lower realms eg Asuras, animals & Hungry ghosts. One can then be reborn in the Buddhalands or into wealthy & reputable families.

For more information, please read the Sutra,

阿弥陀佛。 莲厨。

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