
Saturday, December 18, 2010

14-12-2010 Boddhicitta 菩提心

Having talk so much about Boddhicitta, many come around & ask what exactly is Boddhicitta.
The simplest & most straight forward answer is [Buddha’s Heart].
最简易和直接的答案是 [佛心]
In order to merge with any Buddha/Boddhisattva, one must have the same HEART so to speak.
Grandmaster explained countless times that for a practicing yogi to achieve the merging or YOGA state, he must act, speak, think  like the chosen Buddha/Boddhisattva.
师尊讲解过无数遍,如果行者要达到相应合体即瑜伽境界,他必须与选定的佛/菩萨的身,口,意 一致。 
The important Ingredient is Infinite Compassion for all sentient beings.
最重要的材料是具备 对所有众生无限的慈悲。
Can you give your all to make all sentient beings Comfortable? Happy? At ease?
你能付出你的所有来让众生 舒服?快乐?自在?
Can you convince them that they also can help themselves & other less fortunate if they but cultivate?
Let us all start by making a WISH towards helping more & more less fortunate to cultivate & save themselves & eventually save others.
Now, how to do so? Listen to GM's teachings & watch his actions & follow his example.
He is our Guru, if we don’t follow him then who do we follow?
Amituofo. 阿弥陀佛

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