
Monday, November 1, 2010

October 2010 - GM visits Australia 3

19 Oct. We were dining at a Japanese outlet along Spencer St. The lady owner asked some questions and she told us she is a regular of Shan Ming Temple. She offered to lead us there.
GM sent her because we really wondering how to get there & not get lost. Haha. 
20 Oct. We boarded a train after asking directions to Albion. Just when we sat down, a lady sitting on the 2nd row spoke to me and ask me to sit next to her. We told her we total 4. We told her its our 1st time going to Yan Ming Temple & she said GM sent her to lead us. 
GM does care for us to such minute details. HAHA.
Our Beloved Living Buddha Lian Sheng, our Root Guru.

Book Signing. We went early to join in book signing. We were told GM will not sign those other than pre-alloted. Lotus Helen prepare cultivation booklets consisting of vajrasattva, True buddha repentance, Live animal release practices in Chinese, English & hanyu-pinyin. We did these to help those that can't read chinese & don't understand what they are chanting. 
Midway through the book signing, someone announced GM will sign more books. We bought two quickly & when it was Helen's turn, someone said we don't sign private books. 
GM drew the booklets quickly towards him, turn the 1st page n signed both booklets speedily. 
GM knew shijie stayed up many nights till morning to complete them to present in Australia. 
Haha. We were elated.
All of us were Touch By Our Beloved Living Buddha Lian Sheng.

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