
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

20 November 2010 - The Lion Roars

Caodun, Taiwan - TBS Temple.
GM made a landmark speech at the start of his Dharma speech.
A most welcome one too as per the cheers & the continuous clapping of those present.
For those who truly listen to GM all these years, well it seems the MESSAGE constantly & patiently send out by our most compassionate Guru has fallen on deaf ears of those he intended to reach.
The arduous tour of various temples in Taiwan & HK...& the purifying enpowerment also didn't seem to touch those 'hardy black sheep'.
Ordinated monks & nuns really don't wish to be involved in mundane & 'pointless' matters created by sentient beings that have yet to conquer their GREED, PRIDE, IGNORANCE, JEALOUSY, HATRED, DESIRES....
In Guru's eyes, there is no good or bad. Everyone only perform for span of a lifetime. Everything is back to nothingness. Alas, there is the KARMA factor to be taken into consideration.
I am sure it pains GM much to come to writing off any one sentient being & what more they be his disciples.

Let us all join hands & lighten GM's load as best as we can, no matter how small our individual strength. Together & united with one goal, we should be able to let GM enjoy more leisure to pursue his hobbies.

Let us all wish that the shelved Kalachakra event in Indonesia originally planned on the 19 February 2011 will materialize.

GM also said something else which should be noted: he said best keep his money properly else it be stolen.
Go figure!
Haha! rewind back to his speech in Seattle on 4 September 2010 about the Lion & the Rabbit.
That speech is also very enlightening.
See & hear GM's speeches, they are truly very interesting.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks FaShi for posting the messages. Please continue these blogs as I truly enjoyed reading and enlightenment to me. Every lessons and works by you is very good cause is like I was "KNOCK" "KNOCK" either a wakeup call or alert myself to be a better person. Thanks!
