Before I took refuge with TBS, I remember my Dharma friends with Bachelor/Master degrees in Buddhist Philosophy, were debating Collective karma.
I will like to share what I know of this topic with you all.
Karma is generated by 3 main factors:- sight, sound, thought
This in turn converted into action. GM said any 'thought' is [邪] (xie) Evil.
As per the 6th Patriarch, a Buddha is one without 'thought'. GM explained that it mean we do not let 'thought' affect us till we put our 'thought' into action.
Collective: accumulative action of a group of beings toward One/Many of the same species or otherwise.
For example:
1. A family that are fisherman for many generation. They have a history of dying from cancer. [carcinoma]
Scientifically, there is a gene that is passed on down the generations that make descendants more prone to cancer, and most often fatal.
2. Another family that are in 'crocodile' business. They sell the flesh, the skin and etc. The descendant are few and mostly retarded and handicap by ill-formed limbs or body parts.
3. Another family prone to diseases of heart and vessels. This family from generation back are tea merchants. They are adulterous & mean. Often cheat others or steal from them. About 2 generation back the Patriarch went bankrupt. He has 4 wives with about 40 children. Except for some of the younger generation, most of his children are bankrupts too. Divorce is common in the family as well.
We heard of plane crashes often. Some just miss that fatal flight. Some manage to survive the crash.
Landslides, Earth quakes, Tsunami, Hurricane, Typhoons, Floods,..etc.
Have you ever wonder why some survive?
They are not part of the Collective karmic force coming back to exact revenge!
Once again, Listen closely to GM's teachings.
In Resource & Preliminary Paths we accumulate merits and cultivate to neutralize negative karma. We can also help our family and later our friends, then all beings to do so too.
Thats why, taking refuge in TBS means you have Awaken & can control the direction you are going forward to, as well as those around you.
GM said: Self control Live/Death 自主生死.
True Buddha School