GM places the 4 immeasurable visualization at the start of cultivation.
Have you wonder why?
A yogi cultivate to merge with Principal Deity or Buddha/Bodhisattva.
First study what this Principal is all about.
Generally, all Buddha & Bodhisattva are infinitely Compassionate & Wise.
Cultivate a caring & sharing yogi.
One who opens their heart fully & joyously to care & share with all sentient beings,
One who do not differentiate or discriminate any fellow beings,
One who willing to make others happy even to their own disadvantage,
One who treats all as equals....
Tongmen A (took refuge 10+years) asked me whether we have to care for ourselves first before others. Like not dedicating merits of chanting & cultivation to others but keep it for self. Reason someone gave A was he needs it for himself as his own karmic negatives infinite & cannot clear.
Now B, was told to not dedicate any of GM's mantra chanted to others because she needs 8 millions count to go to Maha Double Lotus Pond Pureland. (took refuge 10+years)
C told me his negatives too much so he has to attend fire homa/puja regularly & cultivate 5 or 6 sessions a day to just stay comfortable. (took refuge 20+years). He believes he has a lot of Negative karma to burn away & he has to continue to say sorry non stop.
D chants all 3 chapters of Ksitigarbha Sutra daily & burn lots of lotuses & incense paper to say sorry to his numerous Karmic negatives because he said he has too many & if don't do he will suffer some mishap or misfortune.
E said he is a high rank master monk & therefore everyone must kowtow to him. At the start of a meal, he told everyone who raise their chopsticks to stop, he has to eat first.
He told me not to dine with tongmen as food touched by them are tainted & not good for 'holy' monks & nuns.
Many go more than one round of enpowerment during GM's sessions. They think that once in not enough.
If you think that the 1st round is not powerful enough, what makes you sure that the 2nd, 3rd. 4th.... round will do the trick?
Haha. Is it so hard to trust GM 100%?
GM said in Hong Guang Da Cheng Jiu that it truly is difficult for one to trust & believe him 100%.
To cultivate well, one has to have infinite trust in our own Guru & follow his footsteps, right?
Read some Buddhist stories?
Sakyamuni Buddha eats moldy leftover food given as alms to him. The members of that household has eaten & therefore the food is tainted?
One must be grateful for alms given to us to keep us alive in order to have a shell to cultivate, do you agree?
We in turn cultivate diligently to give them blessings or dedicate merits to them.
My humble views are to cultivate well, one's mindset is of utmost importance.
Buddha/Bodhisattva are all full of Compassion & Wisdom.
GM taught us to learn these mindset to cultivate well.
I urge all fellow cultivating yogi to listen to GM only to start with & keep the 4 Immeasurable Vows to heart at all times.Read the book called 密教大光华. Whenever anyone try to teach you something selfish & not generous, please smile & say thank you then walk away.
As you cultivate, observe those around you. Who is shining & happy & who is not. Discern for yourself who to listen to & seek help.
I know when you share & willing to give, the Buddha & Bodhisattva will give you more to share with all sentient beings.
Bear in mind that only one that is rich & not lacking can give infinitely.
Are you Rich & able to give Infinitely without discrimination to make all sentient beings happy?
Can you put a smile on someone's face every day?
Hope you enjoy reading this article & like it enough to share with others.
With metta, (metta is loving kindness)